Animated Explainer Video: The Next Stage in Web Revolution

Online marketing is getting more creative and exploratory, taking tried and tested tools of trade from the past and transforming them into something fresh. The result is nostalgic but interestingly new and innovative. Animated explainer videos are just that. They are a step above old marketing strategies in that they use elements from the tried and true and make them into something revolutionary and can ultimately advance your marketing game. If you are still on the fence about using animated explainer videos in your marketing strategy, here are reasons why you should seriously consider them as a marketing tool: 
  • Videos are audiovisual. This alone explains why they are the preferred medium of learning for most people. Combine sound and image with creative storytelling and playful animation, and you’ve got an unbeatable piece of content that audiences can relate with and enjoy. Animated explainers make interesting narratives and have the unique ability to characterize buyers in a way that is fun and relatable. 
  • Videos are great tools that make it easier to explain new concepts and simplify ideas. Consider this: not only are visual cues more stimulating, they also help the brain process and retain information better than plain text, which takes time and effort to digest. It is for this reason that businesses pushing a complex service, product, or solution turn to explainer videos to do the job. 
  • Animated videos help reinforce brand awareness and at the same time build trust. They give your business a voice, while animated characters make you more relatable, and in turn, accessible to audiences. This helps make your company and brand more trustworthy to viewers. 
  • Finally, animated explainer videos are flexible content that you can deploy across many different channels and platforms. With faster devices, higher bandwidths, and more content-flexible online platforms, videos are definitely here to stay, making them the future of marketing and web revolution.

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