Increasing sales – this one aim happens to be the “Holy Grail” for every business owner and marketer alike. And just like the proverbial “Grail”, sales enhancement is also one of the most elusive goals one can set for themselves. Combine that with the decreasing attention span of the modern web-savvy audiences, and you have a near-impossible equation to solve. How can you capture the attention of people that have a never-ending source of entertainment and content from all over the world available at their disposal? How will you retain their attention when they can switch over to the next thing which may be infinitely better and more engaging than what you have to offer?


These videos can help increase your business sales by:

Presenting content in an engaging manner

In the modern internet age, presenting customers with a 500-word marketing copy will only incite a groan of frustration from them. Videos, on the other hand, are much more communicative and catchy. You can create them with the intent of explaining a concept, sharing your brand personality, highlighting your value proposition, solving customer problems, providing tutorials, emphasizing on the issues faced by people and invoking emotions in users. Just figure out a script that will click with your audience and let the animated video do all the talking for you! The presentation style of this medium is engaging enough to convert viewers into clients.

Allowing users themselves to spread the word

Animated videos are fun to watch. Animated videos are easy to understand. Animated videos are also SHAREABLE! And THAT is the best part about them. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter thrive on visual content that catches eyes. If your users find your animated video to be good enough, they will share it with people they know. And you know what that means – VIRAL! You can expand your market reach hundredfold using a killer animated video, and this increased viewership will only translate into sales for your business.

Resolving issues and gaining trust of customers

Animated videos make it extremely easy to present complicated concepts and data in an easy-to-follow format. If your website’s visitors have a specific unresolved product-related query that is causing potential leads to fizzle out, try and provide answers to it using an animated video. Not only will it clear out all the doubts from your viewer’s minds but it will also help you gain their trust – both factors will greatly increase your chances of translating your marketing efforts into conversions.

What more can you ask for! Adopt animated videos and provide your marketing strategy with the edge that is necessary for converting visitors into customers.


Recently, Mark Zuckerberg said that there are web users who are already watching 100 million hours of video per day on Facebook. The internet is now moving its preference swiftly towards visual content. And so, if you haven’t yet cashed in on this medium for your business promotion needs, you are truly missing out on a lot. Promotional videos can help increase the visibility and recognition of your business, eventually bringing in more sales and value for your brand. A lot of smart marketers have already chosen video over other marketing techniques. But if you are someone who needs a little extra to make up your mind on the matter, this blogpost will give you some food for thought.
Promotional videos offer a variety of benefits for businesses:
  • They help in presenting your marketing message in the easiest to understand way possible for your audiences.
  • When dealing with the Twitter-style audience i.e. 140-character limit, you need to ensure that your advertising content is as short and sweet as possible. Promotional videos can help convey your value proposition in less than 90 seconds, making them a preferable medium for the modern, always-in-a-hurry web users.
  • The human brain has been proven to be more inclined towards visual content than words, which is why promotional videos can be so much more communicative than the best written marketing copy.
  • Promotional videos are good from the SEO point-of-view as well! When your content gets people to stop and look at what you have to say, your website’s bounce rates will automatically improve, giving a clear indication to Google that your customers are finding your content useful.
  • Promotional videos are much more shareable than written content. If the aim for your marketing campaign is to go viral, this is the medium you should choose.
  • Finally, when you get a better way to communicate with your audience, the chances of converting them into loyal customers will increase exponentially as well. You will see a positive trend in your sales numbers when you have promotional videos as part of your marketing content mix.
Promotional videos can be created in many different artistic styles. This versatility makes them the perfect tool to advertise all kinds of products. There are different mediums and ways to create impactful videos that tune-in right with your products and services, ensuring that the audience understands what you are trying to tell them. So, tap into this powerful marketing format and enhance your business’ visibility hundredfold!


If you are in the process of launching a new product in the market or are now beginning to target a relatively new and untouched customer base for your existing products, you need a powerful way to ensure your audience gets to know about your brand. Product awareness is a marketing objective that isn’t all that easy to achieve. From showcasing the best features of your brand to highlighting all the factors that make your product a better buy than the other counterparts available in the market, there is a lot of ground that your marketing drive will have to cover. Thankfully, animated commercial videos can help you do all that, and that too with a flair that is signature to your brand. Let’s explore the true power of these videos and see how they can help engage with audiences and make them aware of just how special your product is.

The video can explain your product in an easy to understand format. Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask yourself - what kind of content would speak to you more, a 1000-word copy about a product or a short, sweet, and engaging video that explains the entire concept in less than 60 seconds? An animated commercial video will showcase the innovativeness and ingenuity of your product and help your customers in understanding what exactly it is that sets you apart from the crowd.

The video and its content is easily shareable on the web. You know what that means – if your animated commercial video is good enough to strike a chord with your audience, nothing will be able to stop it from going viral! People share content that they find interesting. Therefore, a well-designed animated video will spread awareness about your product even further, helping you in expanding your audience further and connecting with an even larger segment of the market.
The video can generate the great impact in every second with your audience. Viewers in the internet age have a very short attention span. They don’t think twice before moving on to the next best thing. You cannot hope to catch the audience’s fancy by using tepid visuals and long-winded copy. You need a big bang to grab attention these days and engaging media to get your message across. Animated commercial videos can do that for you – conveying your ideas and product uniqueness in an attractive and communicative less-than-a-minute video!
So, include an animated commercial video in your marketing armory and give a sharp edge of effectiveness to your product awareness campaign.


So, you have decided to get an explainer video made for your business. Surely your mind must be racing right now with multiple questions about what happens next. How will the video be made? What will be your contribution to the process? How long will it take? This blog will help resolve most of your doubts about the road that lies ahead of you. Here is a step by step description of the complete production process followed in creating explainer videos.

#1: Conceptualization

Your design agency will get into a brainstorming session with you and your team, trying to understand your business, its audience and the objectives behind the video. Based on the discussions here, a finalized creative concept and direction plan will be chalked out for the video.

#2: Scripting

Depending on the central idea of the video, the design agency will create a trailer that will help you communicate your story. The main idea behind the script will be to artistically and creatively engage with your audience and effectively get your message across.

#3: Storyboarding

This part of the process involves finalizing how the video will play out in connection with the finalized script and objectives set out above. A scene by scene framework of the video will be created, based on which the design agency will begin churning out visuals and graphics.

#4: Style preview

The design agency will provide you with pictures of the draft video, giving you an idea of what the final version will look like. It will include text, graphics, icons, backgrounds, characters, images and more. You can, of course, suggest changes and improvements, based on your sense of aesthetics and understanding of your business and audience.

#5: Voiceover

A professional voiceover artist will then be selected to put in the sounds behind the video. This audio explanation of your message will interconnect with the visuals and add more meaning to the overall presentation that you are trying to create.

#6: Animation

The next step will be to connect all the visuals in a scintillating video using illustrations, graphics, animations, motion, and transitions. This part of the production process is where it all comes together with perfect timing and punch – the concept, script, storyboard, style, and voice-over.

#7: Sound design

The last and final touch to the production is adding sound effects. These additional touches will add more impact to the video and help the overall creation in becoming more communicative, effective and memorable. A background song, funny effects or a connecting tune – anything that makes a connection with the audience can be used here.
And that’s how it’s done! Hope the above info helps in resolving most of your doubts about the road that lies ahead in your explainer video production process.


Promotional videos are a staple in today’s web-centric marketing scenario that relies heavily on visual content and media to capture the attention of the masses. Whether you need content for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram or are just in need of some killer visuals and graphics that can be placed on your website header to enhance conversion rates, promotional videos are THE most potent tools available at your disposal to achieve your marketing objectives. They can present your message and value proposition in a catchy, memorable, and easy to understand format. Getting them right, however, isn’t something you can understand all that easily. Creating promotional videos is a subtle combination of science and art – one that requires you to keep various factors in mind and create a perfect balance between advertising and entertainment. Here in this blog, you can find some important points that you should remember when creating a promotional video for your business:
  • Make sure you design your promotional video with your target audience in mind. Do not forget your audience in the flow of creativity.
  • Be very clear about the message that you want to convey through your video. Your script and visuals will all be designed towards that target.
  • When it comes to the modern, social media savvy audience, you have to remember that your video should be as short and sweet as possible. You do not want to lose their hard-to-garner attention with a longwinded video!
  • The concept and script of the video should be as simple and easy to follow as possible. Try and incorporate real-life factors that your audience will find relatable.
  • Call to actions are important too! Remember – this video is not just about getting a good laugh out of your audience. You want them to take the desired conversion action too.
  • Concentrate on showcasing the benefits that your customers will get from associating with your brand instead of just highlighting your product features. Show that you can genuinely solve a problem faced by customers.
  • If you can, incorporate humor into your promotional video and don’t shy away from doing something different. Your customers will remember your brand if you are able to put a smile on their face.
  • Music and voice-over demand attention as well. Don’t forget them in the haste of creating killer graphics and animation.
Just keep these factors in mind when working on a promotional video for your brand. And don’t forget – hire the best possible designer for translating your marketing message into visuals. All the best!

Learn How to Make More Money with Animated Product Video

Consumers are often bombarded by numerous businesses with promotional content, making it more challenging for your own business to stand o...